Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics.

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Baby Clinic

By appointment This clinic, which is for well babies only, is run by a doctor or nurse practitioner and a […]

Child Immunisation

Parents in the United Kingdom are routinely offered a range of vaccinations for their children to protect them, and others, […]

Family Planning

By appointment The Groves provides a comprehensive range of confidential advice and information about pregnancy, contraception and sexual health, including:

Home Visits

Home visits are solely for our elderly, infirm, and housebound patients; please be assured that if you do genuinely need […]


By appointment Maternity care is normally shared between your family health centre, here at The Groves, our community midwife and […]

Minor Surgery

By appointment on referral by GP or nurse Headed by Dr Ayad Kurukgy, the Minor Surgery Centre at The Groves […]

Private GP and Medical Services

Private GP and medical services are also available for patients and families throughout the region.

Sexual Health Service

We offer a full sexual health service for registered and non registered patients including;